The Real News
Thanks for joining us again, Maurice.
THE CONGO: Pleasure being with you, Paul.
JAY: So what are you reporting on this week?
CARNEY: Well, you know, there's a great deal taking place on
the continent and, of course, here in the U.S. as it portends for U.S. policy
towards Congo in particular and the African continent as a whole.
Just dealing with the Congo itself and recent developments,
there was some hope that was put behind a peace deal that was announced by the
UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, that would be signed earlier this week at
the African Union Summit. However, this vaunted peace deal that would include
the signing of eight African countries to try and bring some stability to the
east of the Congo faltered. On the morning that the deal was to be signed, the
UN announced that the signatures were not ready.
And part of the problem is that we have discord between
regional forces on the African continent and how they envision bringing
stability to east of the Congo.
JAY: Okay. Just for people that haven't followed the story,
just give us a really quick context about what's been going on.
CARNEY: Well, since April 2012, there has been a
Rwanda-backed revolution that's destabilized the east of the country, of the
Congo, that has displaced nearly 1Â million people. The United Nations had
done several reports through its group of experts that document that this rebel
militia they call the M23 is being backed, you know, financed, armed, sponsored
primarily by Rwanda, and to some degree Uganda. And as itâthis November,
they'd captured a major city in the east of the Congo, Goma, with an estimated
population of about 1Â million.
And as a condition for them relinquishing the city back to
the Congolese governmentâthat is, the Rwanda-backed militia M23, the
Congolese government would enter into peace talks with them, ostensibly to
bring about stability and address the grievances that this group has put in
front of the Congolese government.
However, the main players in the instability in the east of
the Congo is Rwanda and Uganda. And the United Nations has tried to step in to
try and work with the African Union, the Southern African Development
Community, International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, to establish a
comprehensive peace agreement that will bring about stability in the region.
So, earlier this week, there was a presentation by the
United Nations and Ban Ki-moon that there is going to be an agreement that will
be signed that would advance the peace accord and advance stability in the
region. But that accord was not signed. And the reason for the disconnect
between the United Nations and the gathering African nations is that African
nations have proposed what they call a neutral force of about 4,000 soldiers or
so that will go into east of Congo to try and stabilize the region; however,
there is an existing 17,000 or so UN troops that are in the Congo. So the question
was: with this introduction of a African force, who would actually have command
of the 3,000 or 4,000 forces that the African nations would actually, you know,
set up in the east of the Congo? And apparently there wasn't an agreement on
that. The UN wanted the command to be under UN, and Africans wanted to control
the force that they would be sending in.
JAY: So where's the United States in all this, given that
Rwanda and Uganda are close allies of the U.S.?
CARNEY: Well, that's a key question. You know, the United
States has a crucial role to play, considering, as you said, that Rwanda and
Uganda are the allies and the United States provide training, financing,
military equipment to these nations, who are in turn arming war criminals in
the Congo. What has happened is that the United States has tried to protect
their allies.
So the UN, the group of experts at the UN have called, have
presented a list of individuals to be sanctioned, of Rwandan individuals.
However, the United States, through its UN ambassador, Susan Rice, has
prevented the sanctioning of these individuals. Rwanda itself has violated,
broken the UN arms embargo in the Congo that prevents the supply of weapons to
rebel militia. And Rwanda has done that. But Rwanda hasn't been sanctioned,
again protected by the United States.
So what we see at the UN and in the international community
is an attempt really to hold Rwanda accountable and bring about some kind of
stability without sanctioning Rwanda, without putting top Rwandan officials on
the sanctions list, and without withholding more aid.
But what really needs to happen is that Rwanda, and to a
lesser degree Uganda, needs to be challenged directly, to be held accountable.
I know the United Nations, you know, they've come up with a series of
proposals. They've talked about sending drones to eastern Congo to document
what's been going on there.
But really, at this stage, after 16Â years of Rwandan
and Ugandan involvement in the Congo, further documentation's not what's
needed. What is needed is the political will on the part of the United States,
the United Kingdom, and the international community to hold these nations
accountable for the destabilizing of eastern Congo. And that's been the
challenge, trying to get to that point where Rwanda could be fully held
accountable, and to a lesser degree, but an important degree nonetheless,
Uganda can be held accountable as well. And, unfortunately, the peace accords
that are put on the table thus far have obviated this necessary step, because
if Rwanda's not held accountable, Uganda's not held accountable, they'll
continue to support militia in the east of Congo and support those illicit
networks that are causing so much suffering to the Congolese people.
JAY: Right. Just let me switch topics. I know your expertise
is on Congo, but Congo's not that far from Mali. What is your take on the
situation there? You haveâone point of view says this is a French
play/intervention to defend its resources, the untapped resources of Northern
Mali, and the others say this is an independence/national struggle of the
Tuareg people that's been hijacked by al-Qaeda type elements. What's your sense
of what the truth is here?
CARNEY: Well, I mean, it's really a combination of both. If
you look at French engagement in Africa, recent engagement, we see they were at
the forefront of calling [for] the overthrow of Gaddafi regime in Libya. We saw
that they intervened in Côte d'Ivoire with the electoral battle between
Ouattara and Gbagbo. So now we see that there in Mali. So the French have been
quite active militarily on the continent of late, which is consistent with
their colonial history.
And whether you're talking about the French or the United
States, what we see, unfortunately, is an increase in the militarization of the
African continent. And what we see taking place in Mali in part is a result of
this increased militarization, whether you're talking about the bombing of
Libya that resulted in arms being dispersed throughout the region, whether we
talk about the United States and its programs of training military officials in
Maliâthe coup that took place in Mali was led by a U.S.-trained soldier that
upended a democratically elected government that only had about two months left
to go before elections.
So we see, whether it's France or whether it's the United
States, this heavy investment in the militarization of the African continent.
We're now told that the United States looked to have a presence in 35 African
countries to do special operations, are right next-door in Niger. The New
York Times reported this week that there's a possibility of U.S. setting up
a drone base there.
So at its core, the destabilizing of, you know, North Africa
and other parts of the African continent, we see the West, whether it's France,
the United States, pushing hard on this military offensive, as opposed toâif
truly they wanted to help the African continent, even if it was a question of
fighting terrorism, as they state, the best antidote is to make sure you have
stable regimes, make sure you have viable economic opportunities for Africans
so that they're invested in the institutions in their countries. And we do not
see this kind of investment in democratic institutions, kind of investment in
education and health and other sectors of the society that can buttress and
strengthen these very weak African nations, who can then in turn serve as a
bulwark against terrorism to the degree that it exists.
So there's a twofold challenge that I see. One, for those of
us who are here in the U.S. and in Europe, we have to push harder, we have to
be better organized, we have to confront this whole militarization effort on
the part of the West led by France, led by the United States and the U.K.
coming in now. We really have to educate the American public, the European
public, as to the destructive nature of the increased militarization on the
African continent.
And then, in looking at the continent itself, we see the
incredible weak states, where there is little defense against whatever will
that the West wishes to impose on Africa. That'sâAfricans really have to be
better organized to defend their interests. It's not by accident that we don't
see as much of that, the instability and the Western intervention in Southern
Africa, as we do elsewhere.
[unintel.] the Southern African Development Community is
relatively well organized. If they were not well organized and unified, Robert
Mugabe would not be in power today. One would venture to say that the West
would have already found a way to depose the Mugabe government.
So the answer lies, both inside and outside of the
continent, in organization, organizing in a way to defend the interests of
African people, whereby Africa does not continue to be a playground for external
powers, whether it's [crosstalk]
JAY: Thanks, Maurice. Thanks very much for joining us.
CARNEY: Alright. Thank you. Thank you, Paul.
JAY: And thank you for joining us on The Real News Network.
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