Congolese women and children screamed in agony,
United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice said, literally, that the U.S. should “look the other way” – knowing full well that a people were being annihilated. She is no different than the high Nazi officials who were hanged for waging aggressive war and the slaughter of millions, almost 70 years ago.
United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice said, literally, that the U.S. should “look the other way” – knowing full well that a people were being annihilated. She is no different than the high Nazi officials who were hanged for waging aggressive war and the slaughter of millions, almost 70 years ago.
the Nuremburg rules of international justice were in force today, the highest
officials in London and Washington would face death by hanging for their
monstrous crimes.”
now, after 16 years of unspeakable carnage, the world’s greatest military
power, equipped with the most sophisticated means of information gathering ever
devised, whose soldiers train and equip the Rwandans and Ugandans who are
responsible for tens of thousands of murders a month, claims to have only
the most limited knowledge of how six million people wound up dead – half of
them children below the age of five.
During hearings
this week at the House Subcommittee on Africa, Johnnie Carson, an
avuncular Black man who’s filling Susan Rice’s old shoes as assistant secretary
of State for African Affairs, performed his own sickening dance of death,
admitting that the so-called M23 “rebels” that have been rampaging through
eastern Congo “would not be the threat” they are today “without external
support.” But Carson would still not say directly that Rwanda is the real power
behind M23, and he tried to absolve the government of Uganda of complicity.
Steve Hege, who coordinated the UN Group of Experts whose report Susan Rice
tried to suppress, testified that “Rwanda, in fact, orchestrated the creation
of M23,” and that “senior Ugandan officials” were deeply involved in M23’s
Carson and Susan Rice are not motivated to lie by loyalty to African military
strongmen. They are loyal to U.S. government policies that they have both
played a role in formulating. Just because Susan Rice qualifies as a person of
the lowest human order imaginable – an accomplice to genocide – does not make
her a rogue element. Far from it: she is a “good German” soldier, following her
commander-in-chief’s orders, oblivious to the agony of dying Africans, whose
lives don’t count for anything in America, anyway – including, it appears in
much of Black America, where Rice is applauded as yet another Black face in a
very high place.
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